Sunday, 19 November 2023 04:55

Look unto Jesus Christ and live - Taiwo Akinola

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And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life ~ John 3:14-15.


When all things seem blurry, and the silver hair appears awry; when all ways seem closed, and life is not taking its expected shape, looking unto Jesus Christ is the best outlook! He is the only One that brings real life and authenticity to our existence.

When we genuinely look unto Him and stay our gaze on Him, we will supernaturally experience His life in all its fullness. He also will deliver us without fail, and help us to enjoy all the provisions of the covenant (Luke 18:1-8).

Unfortunately, it has for long been a universal practice, though a very big error, for many people to look in various directions to meet their diverse needs in life. Some look up to fellow mortals  for help. Albeit, innocent as this may sound, God considers it a grievous sin that typically attracts a divine curse (Jeremiah 17:5).

Worse still, some others dangerously seek help from the devil, like King Ahaziah and King Saul did (1Kings 1:1-4; 1Samuel 28:1-25). Certainly, the surest and safest help man can ever receive is in God (Psalm 46:1-5; 121:1-8). And, Jesus Christ is that Help who was sent to the entire world, for our complete and total salvation.

Gleaning from the history of God’s ways amongst His chosen people, we found that the Israelites at a time journeyed to their promised verdant and prosperous land, when they were liberated from the Egyptian enslavement.

However, the journey was not without some challenges. Thus, the people felt disenfranchised, and grew tired, impatient and rebellious (Numbers 21:1-9). They complained bitterly and  rebelled against God their ever-present, all-powerful and all-knowing Liberator, and against Moses their human leader.

Consequently, fiery venomous snakes mysteriously broke out and bit some of them, and many died there in the wilderness. They perceived this was divine punishment. They therefore acknowledged their errors, repented, and pleaded with Moses to intercede for them.

Thereafter, Moses prayed, and God instructed him to construct a bronze snake, set it on a pole, promising that whoever was bitten, when they looked at the bronze snake, would live. Miraculously, it came to pass as God promised.

Now, Jesus spoke of this act of God’s mercy in helping Nicodemus understand that anyone that would be saved today must repent and believe in Him, saying: “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up” (John 3:14).

In effect, any life can be truly transformed by believing in Jesus Christ, no matter the odds. Looking unto Him supernaturally results in total salvation from sin, Satan, sicknesses, oppression, poverty, shame, fear, destruction and death (John 3:16). 

Jesus Christ is the Life, and the Life-Giver. He promised us life “more abundantly” (John 10:10). Without Him we are just like walking dead; contrariwise, when we look unto Him, we become alive with life eternal (John 3:15).

Indeed, our God is truly merciful! He didn’t give up on the rebellious Hebrews, but rather made a way for them to be healed and live. Similarly, Jesus Christ doesn’t abandon anyone, regardless of how bad he is, or has been. He gives everlasting life whenever we look unto Him.

Jesus was passing through Jericho, and a rich sinner named Zacchaeus exerted much efforts to see Him in spite of the pressing crowd and his own little stature. When Jesus beheld his persistent faith, He said unto him, “This day is salvation come to this house”. Immediately, Jesus mightily helped and saved him (Luke 19:1-10).

Again, as He walked through Capernaum, a great crowd of people flocked around Him, and a woman who had been afflicted with a serious medical condition, hemorrhage, for 12 years reached out and touched the border of His garment. Immediately she was also healed (Mark 5:21-42; Luke 8:40-55).

In fact, the Bible is replete with many instances of divine intervention wrought when people looked unto Jesus Christ (Matthew 8:5-11; Mark 1:21-28; Mark 2:1-12). And, even today, He still works in the lives of those who look up unto Him. Yes indeed, I am a living witness, to the glory of God.

In our ministry over the years, as we proclaimed the gospel in the name of Jesus Christ, we have seen chronic sinners saved, the paralyzed healed, the blind see, fibroids dropped off, the terminally sick restored to vibrant health, and the barren give birth, even to twins, many times.

We have also seen mad people healed, and have witnessed great deliverances wrought in the lives of those bound by devils and addicted to drugs and bad habits, all to the glory of God.

Undoubtedly, we serve the prayer-answering God (Psalms 65:2). He will attend to your own needs without fail as you keenly look unto Him, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ.

How To Practically Look Unto Jesus And Overcome Satan!

True to form, and despite Satan’s ardent wickedness, the genuine children of God can rest assured that every form of satanic aggression and cruelty can be stopped in their lives.

Meanwhile, please note that it was not the bronze snake that healed the Israelites when they were bitten by the fiery venomous serpents in the wilderness, but their faith in God. Healing came when they obeyed God’s instruction to look at the hoisted bronze snake, in faith.

The Bible confirms that the believers who are serious with God, sober, obedient, humble, vigilant, true, holy and prayerful, even the youngest among them who can exercise a steadfast, pure and firm faith in Christ, can overpower the devil (1 Peter 5:8-9).

Satan is a defeated foe. He knows this, and each time you resist him he assumes you know it as well. Therefore, he understandably flees from you, trembling, sighing, shrinking and shaking like a wounded lion with its tail between its legs every time you war against him in the prayers of faith (James 4:7).

Whatever you’re going through right now is not an accurate indicator of your final destination. Even if the devil had messed you up before, he cannot stall your destiny permanently once you enlist the divine help and engage in a sure fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:18).

Beloved friends and brethren in Christ, nothing in life can stop you from receiving your expected miracle. No devil, no problem, no pain or opposition has the ability to stop you. Only you can stop yourself through ignorance and personal unbelief.

Rely wholly upon the Word. Be fearless like Joshua. Be humble like Moses, and stay focused like Nehemiah. “Faith is saying it is so, even when it’s not yet so, because God said so, so that it might be so” (anonymous).

Meanwhile, the very best way to reposition yourselves for the help of God is to fully cooperate with the Holy Spirit for His touch of mercy! Jesus is the only valid Way out of any tribulation (John 14:6; 16:33). However, He abides with the believers today in the form of the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 14:18).

Be passionate evermore in your quest for destiny fulfillment. Stay your gaze firmly on Jesus Christ. Dwell in Him also as He is in you. Those who wait upon the Lord never waste their destinies (Isaiah 40:30-31). This is your day, you won’t lose your luminance, and you won’t miss it, in Jesus name. Amen. Happy Sunday!


Bishop Taiwo Akinola,

Rhema Christian Church,

Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Connect with Bishop Akinola via these channels:


SMS/WhatsApp: +234 802 318 4987

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