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Ukraine running out of troops for US to train – WaPo

The number and frequency of Ukrainian soldiers receiving training in US bases in Western Europe has dropped to almost zero in the last months, suggesting that  Kiev is running out of men to fight Russian forces, US officials have told the Washington Post.

American instructors began training Ukrainian troops in April 2022, with drills taking place at the Grafenwoehr Training Area in Germany. Some 3,100 Ukrainian soldiers had received US training by the end of 2022. The program was expanded in January 2023 to train 12 brigades in the runup to Kiev’s disastrous summer counteroffensive.

In addition to these 12 brigades, three brigades were trained by other European nations, while American instructors taught combined arms tactics to a tank battalion and two national guard battalions. 

However, the last brigade trained in Germany left Grafenwoehr, the largest US ovcerseas training command, in January or February, anonymous officials told the Washington Post on Saturday. None have been trained in the months since, “suggesting a depletion of the personnel pipeline,”the newspaper paraphrased.

Ukraine’s manpower issues have been covered by Western news outlets since late last year, although Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky insisted in February that his forces had suffered only 31,000 fatalities in two years of fighting. American and Ukrainian officials know that this figure is a gross understatement, but admitted Zelensky must find a way to “inspire more Ukrainian men to come to the front lines,” one US source said.

“We see so many deaths and so many wounded,” a Ukrainian lawmaker said. “If they go, [troops] want to know how long they will be there.”

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine lost more than 160,000 troops during last summer’s counteroffensive, out of nearly half a million during the entire conflict to date. Zelensky’s former presidential adviser, Aleksey Arestovich, has claimed that Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 men so far.

In December, Zelensky announced that his military had asked him to mobilize an additional 500,000 troops and embarked on a flurry of legislative activity in a bid to boost mobilization. After weeks of parliamentary debate, Zelensky signed two bills earlier this month, one of which lowers the age of conscription for men from 27 to 25, while another stiffens penalties for draft-dodging and denies some civil rights to service evaders.

Last week, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry banned all men between the ages of 18 and 60 from receiving or renewing documents, including passports, at consular offices outside the country unless they are properly registered for mobilization.



NATO chief, on unannounced Kyiv visit, says arms flows to Ukraine will increase

NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg told Ukrainians on Monday that his alliance’s members had failed to live up to their promises of military aid in recent months, but said the flow of arms and ammunition would now increase.

In an unannounced visit to Ukraine, the secretary general of the transatlantic military alliance held talks with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and was due to address Ukraine’s parliament, the Rada.

His visit – the third since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 - comes at a difficult time on the battlefield for Ukraine. After a failed Ukrainian counter-offensive last year, Russian forces have gained the initiative – at least in part due to a dearth of arms and ammunition from Kyiv’s Western partners.

“I will also be very honest with President Zelenskiy and also with the Rada that NATO allies have not delivered what we have promised over the last months,” Stoltenberg said on the train taking him into Kyiv on Monday.

“The United States spent six months to agree a package and European allies have not delivered the ammunition we promised. But now I’m confident that things will change,” he said.

Stoltenberg pointed to the U.S. Congress now having approved a Ukraine aid package worth more than $60 billion, swiftly signed into law by President Joe Biden, and an announcement last week by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of a “record high” commitment to Kyiv.

He also noted Germany had agreed to provide a new Patriot air defence system to Ukraine and the Netherlands had boosted its aid to Kyiv. He said he expected other "new commitments to come".

"This will make a difference – as the lack of support made a difference,” he said, alluding to Ukrainian setbacks on the battlefield.

He said the Russians had paid "a high price for marginal territorial gains" and Ukraine could still turn things around.

"It's not too late for Ukraine to prevail. But that’s why it's so urgent that NATO allies now actually do what we had promised and that we turn those commitments into real deliveries of weapons and ammunition and I’m now confident that will now happen.”


On April 18th, 2024, I ran into Mohammed Kuta Yahaya, a distinguished professor of Agricultural Extension, at the airport in Abuja; he was going to Ibadan, and I was on the way to Sokoto. He demonstrated the respectful side of him, as he always does whenever we meet, three times in recent times at University Convocations. He facilitated my appointment as a Professor Emeritus at one of the universities in Niger State. It was at Abuja he also showed his respected side of him when he told me that he would be receiving the Fellowship Award from the National Executive Council of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria. As he sat by me while drinking coffee at the airport lounge, I began to reflect more on him as an administrator and scholar, but more so on his passion to uplift Nigeria. Our relationships are episodic encounters. I did not even know until I was doing research for this piece that he is the Magatakarda, the Chief Scribe of the Nupe Nation.

One of the defining characteristics of valuable individuals is their dedication to a course they believe in and their commitment to grinding results out regardless of the challenges they face. Whereas facing challenges is almost synonymous with success in every area of human endeavor, result-oriented individuals always differentiate themselves from others by making their efforts count in areas of collective good. Professor Yahaya, as he is fondly called, belongs to the category of individuals with foresighted ideas whose dedication to rigorous academic engagements is impressive. For scholars like him, evidence of their academic propositions and claims does not lurk in an unending circle of verbal validation of their quality but is demonstrated in scientific arguments and postulations made through publications of reputable global images. Thus, Prof.’s diligence is illustrated by the numerous publications associated with his name in agricultural extension, thereby making him an important figure in the intellectual environment where debates on agricultural activities are generated, distributed, or transmitted. The contributions of this outstanding scholar to quality intellectual debate have proved to be transcendental, given the widespread influence of his academic research underscored by the allotment of national responsibilities that are imposed on him. These come from the awareness that the Professor has undertaken extensive research, and it is important that the quality of knowledge he has must be benefited from at a larger stage.

As an expert in agricultural extension that he is, Yahaya has undertaken research engagements whose findings reveal the ineluctable significance of communication in the enhancement of extensive production of food crops, which would bring about the eradication of food scarcity in the country and the world and, by extension elevate the people from the pit of economic depravity. This uncommon egghead has authored numerous academic publications that reveal to us the critical importance of the media in the enhancement of information transfer to people as a means of educating them on the clinical significance of modern technology in the practice of agriculture. Suffice it to say that through that engagement, he gives very pragmatic solutions to otherwise intransigent challenges faced by the people in the farming sector to ensure that they combat head-on the challenges that have prohibited them from taking maximum advantage of the agricultural potentials of the country. This underscores why he concludes in one of his research projects that women are very crucial to productive agricultural activities in the rural environment as they are very active in the preservation of farm produce, and for that reason, they should be related, especially on issues that bother on the promotion of increased productivity for the benefit of themselves and humankind. Therefore, Yahaya concedes that such agents would facilitate the rapid development of the county’s agricultural industry by offering extension services.

Yahaya understands that the possibility of exponential advancement in agricultural engagements depends largely on the sharing of available information, which consolidates what farmers already know and encourages them to operate their agricultural engagements in different formats. As an expert, there is no contention about his ideas, especially those that boil in food and animal production. Through cognate experience, this intellectual has spearheaded very many educational and informative undertakings that will see to the optimum upholding of sound agricultural principles, which will bring about the expected and desirable results. On several occasions, he has stated that one of the predominant concerns around farmers’ lack of effective agricultural business is the enduring conflict that farm activities have been circumscribed in because of the sensitive politics associated with land management and procurement. It is noteworthy to learn that when farmers invest their time and resources in agribusiness, they are often browbeaten by superior hands who sometimes exchange their worth for political correctness. When such problems are to be combated, the Scribe of Nupe Nation suggests that methodological structures and fluidity should be an important strategy used both by the enraged farmers and the forces that have brought destructive possibilities to their farms. Such ideas, therefore, have helped farmers to a considerable degree. They have come to the awareness that their undertakings deserve different operational strategies so that their effort would not be strangulated by whatever forces and for whatever reason.

Our resourceful professor has been involved in many programs where efforts are made to educate people on the importance of agricultural investment in the current age. The focus of such academic engagement is to expose the younger generation to the unending available opportunities that come with farming. They have always concentrated on other engagements apart from agriculture, given the fact that they are mostly undereducated about the operations of farms and their potential. Instead of continuing their evasion of agricultural engagements, they are thereby informed by this resourceful individual about the inexhaustible potentials that are lurking in agricultural activities. Meanwhile, that is effectively done through consistent information exchange between a source and the target audience. He has suggested that making a fortune in agricultural businesses and activities does not necessarily require active involvement in many agricultural services. In line with his experience, he has educated people that many agricultural businesses require individuals to commit to deciding how they would partake in the engagement. They should seek knowledge on the best agricultural practices they find useful and begin to invest their resources there so that they would benefit maximally in the end. In essence, he has been able to educate us all about how greatly valuable it is to pick specific aspects of farming and make necessary investments where needed.

More than one could have imagined, this very resourceful educator has always been an advocate for the adoption of technology in the conduct and promotion of agricultural engagements. Beyond what has already been noted, he states that the role of technology in the development of agricultural products, services, and activities cannot be overemphasized. The ICT has a lot to offer farmers in that it has very innovative methods to spread across their products while simultaneously being able to share information of values to the farmer community. Especially for the dwellers of the rural environment, the adoption of technology would magically increase their innovative drives to improve production and profits. He has highlighted a body of policies that could help transform the lives of people in rural environments. When the technology is adopted effectively in the agricultural sector, it would immediately reduce the penchant for rural-urban migrations that have ultimately contributed to the monumental decline of African social and economic lives. In essence, he has been a frontier for the advocacy of technological farming and activity that would principally involve communications of new ideas for the benefit of all. While he has always been an integral part of Nigeria’s agricultural extension campaign, he has also stated the potential challenges that could arise from it when it is not appropriately handled or taken care of. However, the professor has no hidden motive when he argues that farm engagement will flourish only when communication becomes more prioritized among farmers.

One cannot but celebrate the outstanding contributions of Yahaya to quality intellection, for his academic strides are imposing and intimidating. No wonder, therefore, that his genius is being recognized from time to time, which has, among other things, facilitated his appointment to serve in greater positions so that he can use his cognate knowledge and experience to advance the collective aspirations of the people. When he served as a coordinator for the Northern States’ Governors’ Forum, he introduced ideas that helped in the rapid advancement of the Northern societies to the extent that they absorbed much of his ideas and helped them to achieve stellar success within a very short period. Yahaya has never limited himself to state services; he has taken key positions in academia, where he functioned in its administrative and knowledge distribution system. No wonder, therefore, that his exemplary leadership is recognized in developing the Niger State University, where he offered contributions as a member of their committee. Having performed with credibility in both the public and educational sectors, there has been a general acceptance of his beautiful character of service demonstrated in his unwavering dedication to issues of collective progress. He has mentored several youths and continued to inspire a generation of agricultural scientists who now dedicate themselves to issues that bring value and resources to people. Nigeria is blessed with brilliant minds, and Yahaya has earned his place in the country’s intellectual community.




Former Nigerian winger Finidi George has been appointed as the head coach of the national team, the Super Eagles, officials announced on Monday.

The 53-year-old, who previously served as an assistant coach, steps into the role following the departure of former coach Jose Peseiro, whose contract was not renewed despite leading Nigeria to the final of the Africa Cup of Nations earlier this year, where they were defeated by the hosts, Ivory Coast.

George, who had a stint as interim coach for two friendlies in March, securing a victory over Ghana and suffering a defeat against Mali, now assumes the position on a permanent basis. His immediate focus will be on revitalizing Nigeria's 2026 World Cup qualification campaign after unexpected draws against Lesotho and Zimbabwe.

With upcoming matches against South Africa and Benin, George aims to leverage his experience as a player, including winning the 1995 Champions League with Ajax Amsterdam and representing Nigeria at the 1994 and 1998 World Cups, to guide the team towards success.


Key Takeaways

  • Throughout your entrepreneurial career, you will lean on and learn from many different experts — these three are just the beginning.
  • These advisors can help you tackle tough issues and solve pressing challenges.

Entrepreneurs feel enormous pressure to meet ambitious goals and deliver for their customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders. The good news is that you don't have to go it alone.

It's imperative to have a robust and strategically placed network of trusted partners, experts and advisors to lean on as you navigate challenges and reach new milestones. While there are numerous examples of external experts that business owners can benefit from and learn from, three stand out in my experience.

1. A banker

Bankers are at the center of the business ecosystem and are well-positioned to provide strategic guidance, facilitate connections and suggest comprehensive solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Over time, a banker could help provide:

  • Expertise in capital structures and solutions: Your banker should be your go-to resource for assessing and optimizing your capital structure. They can provide deep knowledge on the types of solutions available to you — from something as simple as a line of credit to more complex offerings around debt and equity and tapping into the public and private markets. As you get up and running, you must establish a plan for managing cash flow and liquidity. They can help. Critically, a banker can also offer guidance on the best financial solutions to meet your operating needs today and achieve your long-term goals in the years to come.
  • Strategic direction and guidance: Beyond traditional financial matters, a banker can provide insight into your overarching business strategy and help with goal setting. This may include reviewing your long-term plan, talking through your product set to determine if there are any gaps, and helping you consider domestic and global expansion.
  • Expert network connections: Stemming from those strategic decisions,bankers can make introductions to essential partners, investors, and other industry experts to help you identify your next ample opportunity. In practice, this vital network can help guide you as you seek advice on more dynamic financial situations like navigating the supply chain, raising capital, entering new markets, structuring a governing board, implementing DEI practices, and so much more.

In short, your banker should help you open doors and see around corners. They can help you tackle tough issues and solve pressing challenges and will be there to support you in the moments that matter.

2. An attorney

Like a banker, an attorney can advise your strategy and growth plans through a different but equally important lens. In my experience, in addition to legal counsel, attorneys bring exceptional industry knowledge and sound judgment and challenge you to think critically about your business.

An attorney will focus on defining your business structure and can weigh in on the following:

  • Contracts and agreements: Assistance crafting and negotiating documents such as contracts and non-disclosure agreements.
  • Protecting what's yours: This includes protecting your intellectual property through patents, trademark registration and copyright protection.
  • Implementing risk mitigation strategies: Identifying and navigating relevant laws, industry rules and regulations.
  • Providing strategic counsel: Navigating complex legal landscapes, anticipating specific potential challenges and helping to safeguard your interests while promoting the long-term visibility of your business.

When choosing an attorney, consider someone who specializes in your industry and the relevant area of law, has experience with your specific legal needs and has guided businesses through various growth stages. If you get it right, your attorney could bring a unique perspective to your company and pose questions you might not have considered.

3. An accountant

An accountant is an essential member of your core team. They have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure the reporting, accounting and controls around your financial statement are reliable, timely and accurate. They can also provide significant value by implementing processes to prepare your business for key milestones.

Working closely with the banking team, accountants can help:

  • Simplify statements: An accountant will prepare and review statements to ensure accuracy and provide a clear overview of your business's financial health. They might conduct internal audits to ensure efficient financial processes or external audits for larger enterprises seeking outside funding.
  • Maintain financial compliance: An accountant will work with you to ensure that your financial records are up to date, including tracking income, expenses and other financial transactions.
  • Optimize administrative processes:Your internal accounting team will likely be responsible for all forms of process management, including, but not limited to, financial planning and forecasting, employee benefits, real estate and facilities, and physical and operational security. Engaging an external accountant can provide expertise around these tasks and help streamline processes and workflow.

A strong team for the long-term

Throughout your entrepreneurial career, you will lean on and learn from many different experts. These three are just the beginning. Be methodical and diligent when searching for your trusted advisors, and don't be afraid to tap your network for referrals, seek out individuals at industry conferences, or reach out to other business owners whom you admire.

Each person on your team should play an integral role, and the success of your business depends on your ability to fully trust them and their unique expertise. It takes time to build a team of trusted advisors, but if done right, I'm certain that this investment will pay dividends in the long term.



Minister of Solid Minerals, Dele Alake, faced criticism from Nigerians after being photographed wearing a N260 million Richard Mille wristwatch during a meeting with the CEO of Glencore, a Swiss-based company. Alake's choice of accessory while attempting to woo the Swiss company into investing in Nigeria sparked outrage among citizens on social media who viewed it as inappropriate for a government official.

Photos of the minister sporting the expensive wristwatch quickly circulated on social media, eliciting condemnation from various quarters. Responding to the images, Chinedu, an online commentator, expressed disbelief at how a government official could afford such luxury without scrutiny, contrasting it with the standards in developed countries where officials would face scrutiny over the source of funds for such purchases.

Fortuna echoed similar sentiments, highlighting the disparity between the lifestyles of Nigerian officials and their counterparts in developed nations. The sentiment was echoed by Desire Chukwuemeka, who criticized the Nigerian political class for displaying an inferiority complex through extravagant displays of wealth.

Others questioned the logic of flaunting such opulence while seeking investment opportunities. Oluwasegun pointed out the contradiction of soliciting investment while showcasing personal wealth, while Marvellous Israel criticized Alake for potentially undermining the credibility of Nigeria's investment pitch with his extravagant display.

The incident reignited debates about the mindset and behavior of Nigerian political elites, with many expressing frustration over what they perceive as a disconnect between the country's leadership and the realities faced by ordinary citizens.

Gabriel Suswam, former Governor of Benue State and current lawmaker representing Benue North-East Senatorial District, has expressed skepticism about the ability of the President Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government to transform Nigeria's economic landscape. Speaking on Channels Television's Newsnight program, Suswam criticized the government's economic policies, asserting that they have failed to address the country's economic challenges.

According to Suswam, the economic policies implemented by the current administration have not yielded positive results and have instead exacerbated existing problems. He cited the removal of fuel subsidy, currency floatation, and increases in interest rates and electricity tariffs as examples of policies that have negatively impacted Nigerians.

Suswam highlighted the consequences of these policies, including inflation rates reaching 31 percent and the burden placed on the average citizen due to increased transportation and production costs. He questioned the feasibility of the government's budget, noting a deficit of nearly N9 trillion and financing items that are unlikely to be realized.

Furthermore, Suswam criticized the capacity of many cabinet members appointed by Tinubu, suggesting that their lack of competence has led to inefficiency and a reliance on excuses. He emphasized the importance of selecting qualified individuals for key positions and expressed concern over the government's reliance on borrowing and printing money to finance its budget.

In conclusion, Suswam raised concerns about the sustainability of the government's economic policies and their impact on the average Nigerian's livelihood. He called for a reassessment of the government's approach to economic management to ensure the well-being of the country's citizens.

The Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) has projected that the ongoing fuel scarcity, which is spreading to more states across the country, will persist for at least two more weeks. Despite assurances from the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) of adequate stock, IPMAN insists that the scarcity will continue due to various challenges in the supply chain.

Chinedu Ukadike, the Public Relations Officer of IPMAN, attributed the shortage to importation bottlenecks, slow license renewals for marketers by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA), and maintenance issues at refineries in Europe. He noted that only a fraction of marketers have had their licenses renewed, further exacerbating the scarcity.

Ukadike highlighted the consequences of the scarcity, including increased prices of petroleum products and transportation fares. He urged the NNPC to extend the deadline for license renewals and expedite the process to alleviate the situation.

In response, Olufemi Soneye, Chief Corporate Communications Officer of NNPC Ltd, expressed optimism that the long queues would clear in the coming days, assuring Nigerians of adequate product supply. However, reports indicate that black market operators are taking advantage of the scarcity, selling petrol at exorbitant prices, and exacerbating the situation for motorists and commuters.

The fuel scarcity has hit various parts of the country, with long queues observed at filling stations and prices skyrocketing on the black market. Motorists and commuters are facing increased financial burdens and uncertainty as the scarcity persists.


IDF: Overnight, IAF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terror targets in the area of Maroun El Ras in southern Lebanon, including a number of sites with terrorist infrastructure and a military compound. Additionally, IAF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of Tayr Harfa, and a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Yarine in southern Lebanon.

Attached is a video of the strikes:

** IDF: IAF fighter jets precisely struck and dismantled launch sites ready to fire launches toward Israeli territory; IDF troops are continuing their activity in the Central Gaza Strip

Over the past day, IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft struck dozens of terror targets, including terrorist infrastructure, launch sites, armed terrorists, and observation posts. In addition, throughout the past day, Israeli Navy troops struck terror targets and provided fire support, assisting IDF ground troops in the central Gaza Strip.

IDF troops identified several terrorists adjacent to IDF ground troops. Swift coordination between forces meant IAF aircraft quickly struck and eliminated the terrorists.

IDF troops identified a terrorist cell operating in a structure in the central Gaza Strip. IDF aircraft and artillery struck the structure and eliminated the terrorists.

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is a video of IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos of the IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

** IDF: A short while ago, two launches were identified crossing from Lebanon toward the area of Har Dov in northern Israel.

Earlier today, IDF soldiers identified and monitored a Hezbollah terrorist operating in the area of Ayta ash Shab as he entered a military compound belonging to the terrorist organization.

A short while after, fighter jets struck the structure in which the terrorist was operating and destroyed the infrastructure.

Attached is a video of the strike:

** IDF: IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:


”In the coming days the amount of aid going into Gaza will scale-up; Getting aid to the people of Gaza is a top priority”


Attached is an English Statement of the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

Attached is a related video:

Attached is the full transcript of the statement:

Over the last few weeks, the amount of humanitarian aid going into Gaza has significantly increased. In the coming days, the amount of aid going into Gaza will continue to scale-up even more. Food; water; medical supplies; shelter equipment and other aid: more of it is going into Gaza than ever before.

This increase in aid is a result of increased effort, among them: opening the Israeli port of Ashdod; and a new crossing that was opened into Northern Gaza; and increasing the amount of aid coming from Jordan — through Israel — entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Humanitarian Aid Crossing. We also facilitated the opening of dozens of bakeries in the north and south of Gaza, together with the World Food Program.

Together with the United States Central Command we are working on a temporary maritime pier, known as JLOTS — which stands for “Joint Logistics Over-the Shore”. This temporary pier will provide a ship-to-shore distribution system that will further increase the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

As part of the efforts to get more aid into Gaza, we are also expanding the designated humanitarian zones in Gaza, where the aid will be reaching and streamlining the distribution efforts, together with international aid organizations, for increased efficiency.

Getting aid to the people of Gaza is a top priority —because our war is against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza. We seek to help alleviate the suffering of the civilians in Gaza that has resulted from the war that Hamas started on October 7th, when it massacred and kidnapped Israelis.

The Israel Defense Forces operates according to international law. We make vast efforts to minimize harm to the civilians that Hamas is hiding behind — because we see the suffering of civilians as a tragedy, while Hamas sees the suffering of civilians as a strategy. That’s why Hamas intentionally hides among civilians; that’s why Hamas wages war from within civilians; and that’s why Hamas has been stealing aid meant for civilians in Gaza.

We will continue to pursue Hamas everywhere in Gaza. We will continue doing everything in our power to bring back home our hostages. We will continue to fulfill our mission: free our hostages from Hamas and free Gaza from Hamas.



Hamas spokesman, Jihad Taha:

- We deny what Al-Arabiya channel reported from AWP sources, that the second phase of the truce deal may witness the departure of some Hamas leaders from Gaza to Cairo.

- There is no basis in truth for this news, and it is false and fabricated news intended to confuse.

- Hamas leaders will remain in their land with their people in the Gaza Strip, and the only one who will leave is the Nazi occupation.

** Al-Qassam Brigades destroyed the enemy’s command headquarters in the “Netzarim” axis, south of Gaza City, with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

** Two occupation soldiers were killed and 8 others were injured in a resistance operation near the “Netzarim” liberation, south of Gaza City.

** Al-Qassam Mujahideen lured a mechanized Zionist force and placed it in a mine ambush using explosive devices and “F16” rockets that were fired at civilians but did not explode on Al-Sikka Street in the Al-Mughraqa area in the central Gaza Strip.

** Al-Quds Brigades: In conjunction with the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, we bombed this afternoon a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers in the “Netzarim” axis of advance, south of Gaza City, with a concentrated missile barrage.

#Al-Aqsa Flood


Israel Defense Forces/Hamas Brigade al-Qassam


Ukraine pulls back from three villages in east, Zelenskiy pleads for weapons

Ukraine's top commander said on Sunday Kyiv's outnumbered troops had fallen back to new positions west of three villages on the eastern front where Russia has concentrated significant forces in several locations.

The statement by Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi reflected Ukraine's deteriorating position in the east that Kyiv hopes it can stabilise once it takes delivery of U.S. weapons under a $61 billion aid package approved this week.

"The situation at the front has worsened," Syrskyi wrote on the Telegram app, describing the "most difficult" areas as west of occupied Maryinka and northwest of Avdiivka, the town captured by Russian forces in February.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy issued a fresh plea to international partners to speed arms deliveries so Kyiv could maintain its positions and disrupt Russian plans.

He said he spoke on Sunday with U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and "underscored that Patriot systems are needed, and as soon as possible."

Syrskyi said Kyiv's troops had taken up new positions west of the villages of Berdychi and Semenivka, both north of Avdiivka, and Novomykhailivka, further south near the town of Maryinka.

"In general, the enemy achieved certain tactical successes in these areas, but could not gain operational advantages," he said, adding that Russia had committed four brigades to the assault.

Freshly rested Ukrainian brigades were being rotated in those areas to replace units that had suffered losses, he said.

His statement did not mention the status of Novobakhmutivka, another village near Berdychi, that Russia's defence ministry said on Sunday its forces had captured.

Moscow's troops have been slowly advancing since capturing the bastion town of Avdiivka, taking advantage of Ukrainian shortages of artillery shells and manpower.

Online battlefield maps produced by open-source intelligence analysts suggest they have advanced more than 15 km (9.5 miles)in the direction of the village of Ocheretyne since capturing Avdiivka.

Further up the front, the Kyiv-held town of Chasiv Yar is a key emerging battleground because of its position on elevated ground that could serve as a gateway to the cities of Kostiantynivka, Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.

Syrskyi described Chasiv Yar and the village of Ivanivske to its northeast as the "hottest spots" on that part of the front. Russia's defence ministry said it had repelled Ukrainian counter-attacks near Chasiv Yar.


In what could prove a worrying development for Ukraine, Syrskyi said his forces were closely monitoring an increase in the number of Russian troops in the area of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city.

The northeastern city of 1.3 million just 30 km from the Russian border has been hammered by airstrikes in recent months in what Kyiv has said is a deliberate effort by Moscow to make Kharkiv uninhabitable.

Syrskyi said there were no signs that Russia was directly preparing for an offensive in the north of the country.

"In the most threatening directions, our troops have been reinforced by artillery and tank units," he said.

Ukraine is currently expecting a long-awaited a shipment of U.S. military aid which officials say is critical to holding off Russia's two-year-old invasion. Zelenskiy said Ukrainian and U.S. teams were working on a "specific text" of a 10-year security agreement that would include weapons and other support.

A Ukrainian intelligence source told Reuters this week that Russia was conducting airstrikes on Ukrainian rail lines to disrupt the delivery of U.S. weapons to the front and to complicate military logistics.



Ukraine lost over 8,000 soldiers in a week – Russian MOD

Kiev’s losses of military personnel have surpassed 8,000 over the past week amid Moscow’s continued offensive in Donbass, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a series of Telegram posts on Saturday. The nation’s military seized two settlements from Ukrainian forces and has gained ground across the region, it stated.

Moscow’s forces took control of the villages of Novomikhailovka in the central part of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Bogdanovka, near the key strategic town of Chasov Yar in the DPR’s north, the statements read. Around two dozen Ukrainian attacks in the region were also repelled.

Intense fighting also broke out in the Avdeevka area of the DPR, where Russian forces were advancing towards the villages of Ocheretino and Netailovo, located further to the west of the strategic Donbass town taken by Moscow’s forces in February. The nation’s forces also pushed back 63 Ukrainian assaults in the area, according to the ministry.

Ukraine lost a total of 8,280 soldiers over the past seven days, mostly in the Donbass fighting, data provided by the ministry indicates. Kiev also lost around a dozen tanks and several dozen armored fighting vehicles, along with hundreds of other pieces of military equipment. The list includes at least one US-made Paladin self-propelled 155mm howitzer, as well as almost 30 Western-supplied artillery systems, according to Moscow.

Russian forces also destroyed eight Ukrainian multiple rocket launchers, including US-made HIMARS and Czech-supplied RM-70 Vampire systems. The nation’s Air Force and air defense systems shot down Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet and Su-25 close air support aircraft, along with more than 1,600 drones, the ministry said.

Earlier this week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Moscow’s forces had seized the initiative in the Ukraine conflict and “dispelled the myth of the superiority of Western weapons.”

Ukraine’s top military commander, General Aleksandr Syrsky, described the situation on the front lines as “difficult” as he talked with Kiev’s Western backers via video link on Friday. Things “have a tendency to get worse,”he said in a Telegram post reporting on the virtual meeting.

The developments come as the US adopted a $61-billion defense package on new aid for Kiev. Several media outlets reported that the first batches of aid could be dispatched to Kiev within days. The bill had been stuck in Congress for months as Republican lawmakers blocked it in a bid to squeeze concessions out of the administration of President Joe Biden on US border-control policies.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told NBC that his nation has a “chance at victory” now that more Western weapons are coming its way. The Kremlin dismissed the news by saying that no deliveries of weapons can change the dynamics on the front lines.




We all want to leave customers eager to share their exceptional experiences with our brands. But standing out from players like Netflix and Nike is no small feat. Companies thrive by creating unforgettable customer experiences and the key to retail success lies not just in making sales but in crafting a journey that turns first-time buyers into lifelong brand advocates.

The digital age has equipped us with an abundance of customer data, providing unparalleled insights into consumer behaviors and preferences. Yet, the true challenge lies in converting this data into meaningful interactions that resonate on a personal level with each customer.

In the cookie-less digital ecosystem, omnichannel loyalty programs bring clarity to the obscured passage. Companies of all sizes can follow their logged-in customers' precise movements and deliver superbly personalized experiences – the trick is getting them to sign up and stay.

We're not the only ones who have identified loyalty programs that require a revamp: 80 percent of loyalty program owners are likely or very likely to rebuild theirs in the next three years. Let's take a look at four of the most strategic loyalty solutions taking place today.

Omnichannel loyalty solutions

It's no wonder businesses have had it hard when half of customers will stop visiting a site that isn't mobile-friendly, even if they like the business.

And when e-commerce platforms like Amazon go above and beyond with multichannel entertainment value, offering loyal Prime members access to movies along with their free delivery of goods, even large-scale Fortune 500 companies have struggled to compete.

But it's a battle worth fighting – Amazon Prime members spend more than double that of non-member customers.

Omnichannel loyalty programs focus more on engagement than simply incentivizing transactions. Take Gap, for example. The Fortune 500 multibrand retailer gained an additional three million loyalty card credit users by aligning its company credit card program with its loyalty offering.

Creating one "unified loyalty" program streamlined the earning and redemption of rewards across Gap's brands, improving the customer experience.

With a broader audience and multichannel benefits, it was also able to introduce a robust tiered loyalty system, allowing customers to gain points at every touchpoint and move up the ranks, whether spending on Gap's credit cards or with cash.

Founders should look to unify their loyalty offerings in-house or join omnichannel loyalty programs with partner businesses that complement their offerings to help improve their customer experience. 

Subscription box business model

Seventy-seven percent of consumers will spend more money on brands with which they have a retail subscription – this soars past the still-strong 28 percent higher average transaction value from membership consumers.

There are subscription boxes catering to almost every interest, allowing consumers or their gift recipients to explore a variety of items that might be too costly for an individual to curate individually.

Access to higher-quality items is the biggest driver of retail subscriptions: one in 10 of all retail subscribers use these services to get elevated value they can't find anywhere else. Just look at Horti's plant subscription. They even create special gift pricing which disables the auto-renewal.

Personalizing outfits and product combinations specifically for the company's audience creates an emotional relationship with brands, be it gluten-free menus or clothing individually selected for a particular eye color and figure.

The best part? These value-driven, emotionally connected shoppers are 71 percent more likelyto become brand advocates, bringing in new business as well as being top repeat buyers.

Real-time coupon delivery

Who doesn't love a good surprise discount? We see companies like Sephora offering points on every purchase encouraging returning customers and frequent visits and this is a great starting place for businesses that are certain their customers will buy again and again. 

However, imagine your one-time customers receiving a coupon just as they're eyeing that perfect shade of lipstick or the latest fragrance. Real-time coupon delivery nudges them to make the purchase they were fantasizing about and is an impactful way to tell your customers you appreciate them. 

The important part is that your customers feel like VIPs, giving them what they want when they need it: 79 percent of customers said being able to unlock exclusive benefits made them loyal. 

This is where scalable offer management systems, such as enterprise hubs, come in. They act as an organization's nervous system, providing aggregation and real-time data analysis capabilities, enabling marketers to act in the moment.

The result is a dramatic reduction in coupon creation and delivery times, enabling customers to enjoy discounts and special offers that feel tailor-made – just when they are most likely to make a purchase. This strategic approach not only fortifies customer relationships but also drives sales, setting the stage for sustained revenue growth.

Virtual demos for physical purchases

The future of business is customers trying out products without leaving the comfort of their homes. Augmented reality, virtual reality, and Web3 offer immersive experiences that minimize the chances of post-purchase regret – saving stores a ton in return costs.

Macy's created a surrealistic re-creation of New York where users can discover and engage with curated digital versions of select apparel from the On 34th collection.

Part of the experience includes designing their digital fabric and as they navigate through star checkpoints, they will unlock a unique digital T-shirt that is personalized to match their design. All apparel featured in the experience is shoppable as well.

Investing in technology that allows customers to try out products virtually taps into the curiosity and playfulness of a consumer's childself, and makes shopping online even more convenient for the practical ones.

Whether it's a new outfit or a new home, customers want to walk around in the product without it costing them working hours, postage, or fuel. 

Customer loyalty is about creating an unforgettable journey, one purchase at a time. Businesses are on the right path if they're looking to embrace omnichannel, sprinkle in some real-time surprises, craft personalized subscription boxes and let customers try out products in a virtual world.

The trick is to start with one, gather the right data, monitor the progress, and scale at a pace that suits your team, platform capabilities, and budget. 



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