Super User

Super User

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has issued operational guidelines on virtual assets service providers (VASPs) to all banks and other financial institutions (OFIs).

Released on Friday, the guidelines are contained in a circular dated December 22, 2023, and signed by Haruna Mustapha, CBN’s director of the financial policy and regulation department.

According to the CBN, VASPs means any entity that  conducts exchange between virtual assets (cryptocurrencies) and fiat currencies, and transfers of virtual assets.

The development signals a shift from CBN’s initial position which restricts crypto transactions.

In February 2021, CBN issued a circular to deposit money banks (DMBs), non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), and OFIs to close accounts of persons or entities involved in cryptocurrency transactions within their systems.

The regulator further warned local financial institutions against dealing in crypto assets or facilitating payments for crypto exchanges.

The apex bank cited concerns over money laundering (ML), terrorism financing (TF), cybercrime, and the volatility of cryptocurrencies as reasons for the ban.

In its latest circular, however, the CBN directed all banks and OFIs to carry out cryptocurrency services.

The regulator said commercial banks must fully comply with the provisions of the guidelines on VASP.

“Current trends globally have shown that there is a need to regulate the activities of virtual assets service providers (VASPs) which include cryptocurrencies and crypto assets,” the CBN said.

“Following this development, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 2018 also updated its Recommendation 15 to require VASPs to be regulated to prevent misuse of virtual assets for ML/TF/proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (PF).

“Furthermore, Section 30 of the money laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022 recognizes VASPs as part of the definition of a financial institution.

”In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in May 2022 issued rules on Issuance, offering, and custody of digital assets and VASPs to provide a regulatory framework for their operations in Nigeria.

“In view of the foregoing, the CBN hereby issues this guidelines to guide to financial institutions under its regulatory purview in respect of their banking relationship with VASPs in Nigeria.

“The guidelines supersedes the CBN’s circulars referenced FPR/DIR/GEN/CIR/06/010 of January 12, 2017, and BSD/DIR/PUB/LAB/014/001 of February 5, 2021, on the subject.

“However, banks and other financial institutions are still prohibited from holding, trading, and/or transacting in virtual currencies on their account.”

On May 28, 2023, President Muhammadu Buhari signed the finance bill into law.

The law introduced a 10 percent tax on gains on the disposal of digital assets including cryptocurrency.



The state capitals and communities of Borno and Yobe have been thrown into darkness after suspected Boko Haram insurgents destroyed an electricity tower supplying power to the states.

The latest setback comes barely a year after the insurgents destroyed towers that cut off Maiduguri from the national grid for several months.

The incident took place around 11:40pm on Thursday in Katsaita village in Yobe State,

Residents in the Katsaita village revealed that they heard a thunderous sound of explosion from the tower side when the incident happened.

Confirming the incident, General Manager, Public Affairs of Transmission Company of Nigeria, Ndidi Mba, said its T372 tower was vandalised, “bringing down the 330Kva transmission tower, which pulled down tower T373 along the same transmission line route.”

He said the TCN had mobilised to get one of its contractors to commence reconstruction of the destroyed towers.

“TCN strongly condemns the incident and regrets the inconvenience caused to the government and people of Borno and Yobe states and pledged to do all that is possible to quickly re-erect the towers to restore power supply to the affected areas,” he said.

He also appealed to the host communities to cooperate with the TNC in the fight against vandalism and the necessary preservation of power infrastructure nationwide, “which is our collective assets”.


Daily Trust

Federal government has declared December 25, 26 and January 1, 2024, as public holidays.

The ministry of interior announced the holidays on Friday in a statement signed by Peter Egbodo, a director at the ministry.

The public holidays are to mark Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day celebrations, respectively.

According to the statement, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, minister of interior, enjoined Christians to “emulate the life of Jesus Christ in His practice and teachings of humility, service, compassion, patience, peace and righteousness that His birth signifies”.

The minister said peace and security are two critical conditions for economic development and prosperity.

He said the federal government has put in place measures to secure lives and property and urged Nigerians to support security agencies by providing useful information.

He also asked Nigerians to be security conscious and advised them to report suspicious activities to security agencies.

Tunji-Ojo admonished all citizens to “remain focused, noting that the “year 2024 will be a better year with the Renewed Hope agenda of the President”.


The Cable

UN approves watered-down resolution on aid to Gaza without call for suspension of hostilities

The U.N. Security Council adopted a watered-down resolution Friday calling for immediately speeding aid deliveries to hungry and desperate civilians in Gaza but without the original plea for an “urgent suspension of hostilities” between Israel and Hamas.

The long-delayed vote in the 15-member council was 13-0 with the United States and Russia abstaining. The U.S. abstention avoided a third American veto of a Gaza resolution following Hamas’ surprise Oct. 7 attacks inside Israel. Russia wanted the stronger language restored; the U.S. did not.

Still, “It was the Christmas miracle we were all hoping for,” said United Arab Emirates Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, who sponsored the resolution. She said it would send a signal to the people in Gaza that the Security Council was working to alleviate their suffering.

The resolution culminated a week and a half of high-level diplomacy by the United States, the UAE on behalf of Arab nations and others. The vote, initially scheduled for Monday, was pushed back each day until Friday.

A relieved U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the council, “This was tough, but we got there.”

She said the vote bolsters efforts “to alleviate this humanitarian crisis, to get life-saving assistance into Gaza and to get hostages out of Gaza, to push for the protection of innocent civilians and humanitarian workers, and to work towards a lasting peace.”

“It is hard to overstate how urgent this is,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “This resolution speaks to the severity of this crisis, and it calls on us all to do more.”

The vote came immediately after the United States vetoed a Russian amendment that would have restored the call to immediately suspend hostilities. That vote was 10 countries in favor, the U.S. against and four abstentions,

Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called the resolution “entirely toothless” and accused the United States of “shameful, cynical and irresponsible conduct” and resorting to tactics “of gross pressure, blackmail and twisting arms.”

He said the resolution “would essentially be giving the Israeli armed forces complete freedom of movement for the clearing of the Gaza Strip.” Russia would have vetoed it, he said, if it hadn’t been supported by a number of Arab countries.

Thus the resolution was stripped of its key provision with teeth — the call for “the urgent suspension of hostilities to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access, and for urgent steps towards a sustainable cessation of hostilities.”

Instead, it calls “for urgent steps to immediately allow safe, unhindered and expanded humanitarian access, and also for creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.” The steps are not defined, but diplomats said it was the council’s first reference to stopping fighting.

Ambassador Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. envoy, said it took the Security Council 75 days “to finally utter the words ‘cessation of hostilities,‘” stressing that the Palestinians and Arab nations supported the Russian amendment.

“This resolution is a step in the right direction” because of its important humanitarian provisions, Mansour said. “It must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate cease-fire.”

Hamas called the resolution “an insufficient step” that “doesn’t meet the requirements of the catastrophic state caused by the terrorist military machine in Gaza.” The militant group accused the United States of defying the international community and blocking the council from demanding a halt to the war in the statement on its website.

Israel’s U.N. deputy ambassador Brett Jonathan Miller criticized the Security Council for not condemning Hamas for its Oct. 7 attacks in which about 1,200 people were killed and about 240 taken hostage.

The resolution more generally “deplores all attacks against civilians and civilian objects as well as all violence and hostilities against civilians, and all acts of terrorism.” It also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

On a key sticking point concerning aid deliveries, the resolution eliminated a previous request for the U.N. “to exclusively monitor all humanitarian relief consignments to Gaza provided through land, sea and air routes” by outside parties to confirm their humanitarian nature.

It substituted a request to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to quickly appoint a coordinator to monitor relief deliveries to Gaza that are not from the parties to the conflict — Israel and Hamas — to verify that they are humanitarian goods. It asks the coordinator to establish a “mechanism” to speed aid deliveries and demands that Israel and Hamas cooperate with the coordinator.

Miller said “humanitarian aid is pouring into Gaza every single day” and Israel is willing to increase the number of aid trucks entering the territory and the only roadblock is “the U.N.’s ability to accept them.” He stressed that “any enhancement of U.N. aid monitoring cannot be done at the expense of Israel’s security inspections.”

Guterres countered at a press conference that it’s a mistake to measure the effectiveness of the humanitarian operation in Gaza by the number of trucks.

“The real problem is that the way Israel is conducting this offensive is creating massive obstacles to the distribution of humanitarian aid inside Gaza,” the U.N. chief said. He said the four elements of an effective aid operation don’t exist — security, staff that can work in safety, logistical capacity especially trucks, and the resumption of commercial activity in the territory.

The secretary-general reiterated his longstanding call for a humanitarian cease-fire. He expressed hope that Friday’s resolution may help this happen but said “much more is needed immediately” to end the ongoing “nightmare” for the people in Gaza.

Guterres has said Gaza faces “a humanitarian catastrophe” and warned that a total collapse of the humanitarian support system would lead to “a complete breakdown of public order and increased pressure for mass displacement into Egypt.”

According to a report released Thursday by 23 U.N. and humanitarian agencies, Gaza’s entire 2.2 million population is in a food crisis or worse and 576,600 are at the “catastrophic” starvation level. With supplies to Gaza cut off except for a small trickle, the U.N. World Food Program has said 90% of the population is regularly going without food for a full day — and Guterres said Friday that “four out of five of the hungriest people anywhere in the world are in Gaza.”

More than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war started, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, and its Health Ministry does not differentiate between civilian and combatant deaths. Thousands more Palestinians lie buried under the rubble of Gaza, the U.N. estimates.

The resolution reiterates the Security Council’s “unwavering commitment to the vision of the two-state solution where two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders,.” That stresses “the importance of unifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority.”

Security Council resolutions are important because they are legally binding, but in practice many parties choose to ignore the council’s requests for action. General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding, though they are a significant barometer of world opinion.

In its first unified action following the Hamas attacks, the Security Council adopted a resolution on Nov. 15 with the U.S. abstaining calling for “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses” in the fighting, unhindered aid deliveries to civilians and the unconditional release of all hostages.

The U.S. vetoed a Security Council resolution on Oct. 18 to condemn all violence against civilians in the Israel-Hamas war and to urge humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. On Dec. 8, the U.S. vetoed a second council resolution backed by almost all other council members and dozens of other nations, demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. The 193-member General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a similar resolution on Dec. 12 by a vote of 153-10, with 23 abstentions.




Ukraine claims to down three Russian fighter-bomber jets

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and military officials said the country's forces shot down three Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber aircraft on Friday on the southern front, hailing it as a success in the 22-month-old war.

The Russian military made no mention of the incident. But Russian bloggers acknowledged the loss, and analysts suggested U.S.-supplied Patriot missiles had probably been used.

Reuters could not independently confirm the reports.

"Today at noon in the southern sector -- minus three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers!" Ukrainian Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk wrote on the Telegram messaging app.

Air Force spokesperson Yuri Ihnat described it on national television as a "brilliantly planned operation."

"There haven't been Su-34s for some time in our positive statistics," he said, citing the model as one of Russia's most modern aircraft for bombing and other assaults.

Zelenskiy in his nightly video address praised the Odesa region anti-aircraft unit for downing the planes in Kherson region.

The region was occupied in the first days of Moscow's February 2022 invasion. Ukrainian forces have sought to regain territory and in November established positions on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson.

Eurasia Daily, a Russia-based journal, said the Ukrainian account was plausible. Kyiv could have launched Patriot missiles, which have a range of up to 160 km (100 miles) against high-altitude targets, from the western side of the Dnipro River, it said.

Ukrainian aviation expert Valeriy Romanenko told Ukrainian NV Radio he believed Patriot missiles most likely downed the Russian jets.

"This was a situation there the Russians were...dropping up to 100 bombs in the south. Three were flying together and got caught. They didn't quite take into account that the Patriot has a range of 160 km for aerodynamic targets," Romanenko said.

Ukrainian successes have become less frequent since its forces made lightning gains a year ago in retaking Russian-held territory in the northeast and in the south.

A counteroffensive launched in the east and south in June has had limited progress. Zelenskiy acknowledges that gains have been slower than hoped but has dismissed assertions by the military commander in chief, General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, that the war has entered a phase of "attrition" requiring a change in tactics.



Ukrainian officials privately admit they’re losing – BILD editor

While the Ukrainian government paints a rosy picture of the conflict at press conferences, senior officials admit in private that the situation is grim, Paul Ronzheimer, a deputy editor-in-chief at the German outlet BILD, said on Friday.

Ronzheimer had just spent three days in Ukraine, meeting with Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and other senior government and military officials, he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

“Their statements match less and less the picture that is officially painted in press conferences and interviews, most recently by [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky,” he wrote.

Those who spoke to him in private identified “very clearly” several major problems for Kiev and at this time “see little chance for Ukrainian offensive efforts,” Ronzheimer wrote.

Tempering his criticism with the claim that Russia has lost “tens of thousands of soldiers and many tanks,” the German journalist noted that everyone he spoke with said that time was on Moscow’s side and that “stories from the front are almost unbearable.”

Ukrainian officials should say these things in public because “nothing else will help,” said Ronzheimer, while arguing that Europe and especially Germany will have to do more in 2024, not less.

The German journalist’s revelations match the tone of several Ukrainian MPs who spoke to The Times of London. In an article published on Friday, Roman Kostenko – a member of the Verkhovna Rada’s committee for national security, defense and intelligence – said a victory on the battlefield was “extremely unlikely” and expressed doubt that any Western weapons could turn the tide.

Another MP, Svyatoslav Yurash, described the fighting as “painful” and said the Ukrainians should “hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” The only thing to hope for right now was for the Russians to rebel and topple their government, he added.

Kiev launched a major offensive in early June, aiming to reach Crimea within 60 to 90 days but failing to advance past the first Russian defense lines. Russian troops have since taken the initiative and are moving forward on almost every section of the frontline.

Earlier this week, the Russian Defense Ministry made public its estimate that Ukraine has lost almost 400,000 troops since the hostilities escalated in February 2022, including those killed, wounded, captured or listed as missing. A prominent German military analyst has estimated Kiev’s losses at 800 troops a day.



Saturday, 23 December 2023 04:34

10 functions Android could borrow from iPhone

Many users consider Android as an operating system for mobile devices that offers numerous features and extensive customization options. In a sense, this is indeed true; however, it's worth noting that despite its rich functionality, Android, as before, lacks some capabilities available in iOS.

RBC-Ukraine has compiled 10 iPhone features that should definitely appear on Android, making the use of the operating system much more convenient.

Face ID

Face ID is facial recognition technology created by Apple for its devices. To unlock the iPhone, you simply need to look at its screen.

Face ID sensors use infrared rays for precise facial scanning, reducing the possibility of false recognition. The collected data is stored in a secure chip inside the iPhone and never leaves the device.

While many Android devices also provide facial unlock features, their capabilities are far from Face ID. These gadgets lack infrared front cameras, making Face Unlock inefficient in the dark and less reliable in person recognition.

Moreover, locking on an Android device can be tricked, for example, with a clear photograph, whereas Face ID maintains a high level of security. Even with glasses and a mask, the iPhone continues to reliably recognize its owner.

Shake to Undo

Printing on iOS or Android devices is undoubtedly not as convenient as on a computer. This is not only due to the absence of a full-sized keyboard that can be used blindly with all ten fingers but also the lack of the familiar Ctrl+Z key combination, which allows undoing an action in case of an input mistake or accidental deletion of an important text fragment.

However, on the iPhone, there is a similar function known as "Shake to Undo." If you make a mistake, simply shake the phone, and it will undo the last action. This is genuinely convenient.

In contrast, Android devices lack a similar feature. Although undoing actions is available in most text editors, it is absent in messengers and similar apps, where it would be particularly useful.

Drag and drop of objects

On iPhone and iPad devices, there is the ability to drag various objects within apps, similar to how you do it on a computer with a mouse. You simply hold your finger on an image, text fragment, or attachment, move it to the bottom of the screen on the iPhone or in Split View mode on the iPad, and easily paste it into another program. This is truly convenient.

Unfortunately, such a feature is not present on Android, even on tablets.

Universal communication apps

iMessage and FaceTime on the iPhone stand out from other messengers and video calls. They not only have a user-friendly interface and diverse features but also stand out for their universality. Apple users can easily communicate with each other, regardless of whether they use a Mac, iPad, or iPhone.

In contrast, Android lacks such a universal means of communication. While the standard Messages and Google Meet are decent, they cannot compare with the functionality and ease of use of Apple's counterparts.

Moreover, not every Android smartphone has these apps by default. As a result, many manufacturers create their own messaging and calling apps.

Before contacting someone on Android, you have to find out whether the conversation partner uses Telegram, WhatsApp, or Viber, install the respective app, and go through the registration process. If Google had a universal communication app for all Android devices, it would make life much simpler.

App Offloading

iPhone has a convenient feature capable of saving space on the smartphone's memory. It's called "App Offloading."

By enabling it in storage settings, you allow iOS to automatically free up space occupied by infrequently used apps. During this process, neither the app icon, nor the data, nor the documents are deleted, and you only need to tap on it to restore.

Unfortunately, this convenient feature is absent on Android. In case of insufficient space, you have to completely uninstall apps along with all settings. Upon reinstalling the apps, you'll have to restore all memory settings, which is also an inconvenient process.

Quick Switching Between Devices

The "Universal Clipboard" feature on iPhone allows copying text and images and transferring them between the iPhone and the nearest Mac without the need for cables or additional software. Thanks to the Handoff option, you can start working on a note, document, or email on an iPhone and continue on a Mac.

In contrast, Android phones are less integrated with Windows devices, despite Microsoft's efforts to address this situation. While there are various apps that allow phone calls from a computer, copying text, and transferring photos, they don't work as seamlessly as Apple's solutions.

The official Windows companion app for Android is unfortunately not the most stable solution, often losing connection with the computer and draining the battery.

AirPlay and AirDrop

AirPlay is Apple's wireless technology for transmitting audio, video, photos, and other data between iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Mac computers. It is also compatible with other devices, such as TVs or audio systems that support this feature.

AirDrop, on the other hand, is a tool for instant wireless file and document transfer between Apple devices via Wi-Fi.

In contrast, Android lacks such an advanced tool for data exchange between devices. Although there is the Nearby Share feature positioned as an alternative to AirDrop and some apps on Google Play can wirelessly transfer audio and video content from Android devices, none of them can currently match the built-in AirPlay feature on iOS devices.

AirDrop and other functions on iPhone (photo: Unsplash)

Separated notifications and settings

If you swipe down from the central or left upper part of the iPhone screen, you open the "Notification Center." Swiping down from the right upper part takes you to the "Control Center," where you can easily adjust system settings, sound, brightness, enable focus mode, and much more. This is convenient and logical.

In Android, notifications and settings are not separated. When you open the "shade," if you need to change some parameters that are not immediately visible, you'll have to swipe down again. This might seem like a minor detail, but it eventually takes time.

Universal updates

Currently, there are slightly fewer than one and a half billion iPhone users worldwide. When it comes to updates for these smartphones, almost all of these people, at least those connected to the internet, receive updates and security patches practically simultaneously.

Moreover, iPhones are supported for a long time. The system continues to receive updates for a minimum of five years after the release of the device on which it was installed.

Android updates don't paint as rosy a picture. In most cases, manufacturers release one, two, or three major updates, after which they stop supporting their devices. If you need a new system version, it may mean having to purchase a new phone.

Camera continuity

The feature known as "Camera Continuity" allows scanning documents and capturing photos that instantly appear on a Mac computer. If you need to insert, for example, text from a paper in front of you, you can simply choose the "Import from iPhone or iPad" option in the Mac editor, press "Take Photo," and the "Camera" app on your smartphone will automatically open.

Android lacks a similar function. While apps like DroidCam or Camo allow streaming video from a smartphone to a PC, they are not as convenient as "Camera Continuity." Additionally, they require extra time for installation and setup, sometimes suggesting purchasing a Pro version to unlock high-quality image transmission.

It's worth noting that Android users will receive a feature that iPhone owners can only dream of.

We also wrote about 10 tips that can help extend the battery life of your Android smartphone.


RBC Ukraine

An artificial intelligence model developed by an international team of researchers has demonstrated the ability to predict future events in people’s lives, including the time of their death.

Life2vec, a so-called transformer model trained on a massive volume of data to predict various aspects of a person’s life, was created by scientists in Denmark and the United States. After being fed data from Danish health and demographic records for six million people, like time of birth, schooling, education, salary, housing, and health, the AI model was trained to predict what would come next. According to its creators, Life2vec demonstrated an eerie ability to predict when people would die based on data analysis. For example, when tested on a group of people between the ages of 35 and 65, half of whom died between 2016 and 2020, it was able to predict who would die and who would live, with 78% accuracy.

The research team led by Sune Lehmann Jørgensen at the Technical University of Denmark pointed out that Life2vec was trained exclusively on data from Denmark, so the results may not be quite the same for people in other countries. However, Jørgensen also stressed that models like this one should not fall into the hands of corporations, although they are probably using such technology on us.

“Clearly, our model should not be used by an insurance company, because the whole idea of insurance is that, by sharing the lack of knowledge of who is going to be the unlucky person struck by some incident, or death, or losing your backpack, we can kind of share this burden,” Jørgensen said.

Life2vec is currently not available for use by the public, but its creators suspect that similar models have already been developed and are being used by big tech companies with massive amounts of data to train them on.

Despite the ethical implications of using an AI model capable of estimating how much you have to live with startling accuracy, there is one undeniable upside – such a prediction can help you prevent your untimely death.

“Our framework allows researchers to discover potential mechanisms that impact life outcomes as well as the associated possibilities for personalized interventions, the team behind Life2vec wrote.


Oddity Central

Nigeria is off the hook for an $11 billion damages bill over a collapsed gas processing project that was procured by bribery after the award was thrown out by London's High Court.

The West African country faced having to pay the sum – representing around a third of its foreign exchange reserves – to Process & Industrial Developments (P&ID), a company based in the British Virgin Islands.

But the High Court ruled in October that P&ID paid bribes to a Nigerian oil ministry official in connection with the gas contract signed in 2010, and failed to disclose this when it took Nigeria to arbitration over the collapse of the deal.

The ruling was a major boost for Africa's biggest economy, which is saddled with mounting debt, high inflation and unemployment, and was described by Nigerian President Bola Tinubu as a blow against economic malpractice and the exploitation of Africa.

P&ID argued that the case should be sent back to arbitration, but Judge Robin Knowles ruled on Thursday that the award should be thrown out immediately.

The judge also refused P&ID permission to appeal, effectively ending the case as the company cannot apply for permission from the Court of Appeal.

A London-based spokesperson for the Nigerian government said the decision "marks the conclusion of a historic victory for the people of Nigeria".

P&ID's lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment.



Nigerians are hoarding cash again amid memories of a failed official campaign around this time last year to demonetize high-value naira notes.

Most ATMs have been unable to dispense cash and bank branches have cut daily cash payment limits to either 5,000 or 10,000 naira ($11.24) from 20,000 naira to deal with the shortages that first emerged in October but have worsened this month ahead of the festive season. Point-of-sale operators have increased charges for dispensing cash by as much as three times this month, citing an inability to access banknotes.

The Nigeria Labour Congress, the country’s largest workers’ union, said in a statement earlier this week that the shortages are “undermining confidence of the public in the banks and may discourage the citizenry from participating actively in banking.” It also urged the government to take steps to ameliorate the cash crunch and avoid a repeat of the economic hardships caused by shortages from the botched demonetization program, or face protests.

‘Excruciating conditions’

“Fresh in the minds of every Nigerian is the excruciating conditions that we were all subjugated to as a result of the last cash crunch,” Joe Ajaero, the union’s president, said in the statement.

“The sorrow that botched exercise foisted on us is not what Nigerians wish to witness again in one year.”

CBN began replacing old high-denomination naira notes with redesigned ones in December 2022. It had planned to end their use from Feb. 10 until a court ruled that the bills should remain in circulation until Dec. 31 after the program was challenged by state governors.

Last month the bank said it would allow the old banknotes to remain legal tender indefinitely, days after finding that the seeming cash scarcity in some locations was “due largely to high volume withdrawals from the CBN branches by deposit money banks and panic withdrawals by customers from the ATMs.”

The demonetization program introduced by former Governor Godwin Emefiele to mop up excess liquidity, stymie illegal activity and promote electronic payments imposed significant negative shocks on the economy in which about 90% of all transactions are done in cash. Snaking queues outside ATMs and bank branches became a common sight, while tasks such as riding the bus or buying food became an ordeal. Private-sector activity in February and March contracted as companies reduced output and cut jobs.

It also led to an increase in the use of Nigeria’s digital currency, the eNaira. The digital currency in circulation rose more than threefold to 10.26 billion naira in the third quarter from 2.55 billion end-2022, while physical notes and coins declined 9% to 2.75 trillion naira, the regulator said in a report on Thursday.



Senate has confirmed the appointment of 11 Supreme Court justices appointed by President Bola Tinubu to fill the vacancies on the apex court bench. 

The confirmation followed the consideration and adoption of a report by the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters, during Thursday’s plenary.

Tinubu had asked the Senate to confirmed the nominees, who were recommended by the National Judicial Council to fill the vacant positions following death and resignation of some justices.

The nominees confirmed are Haruna Tsammani (North East) who chaired the Presidential Election Petition Court, Moore Adumein (South South), Jummai Sankey (North Central), Chidiebere Uwa (South East) and Chioma Nwosu-Iheme (South East)

Others are Obande Ogbuinya (South-East), Stephen Adah (North Central), Habeeb Abiru (South West), Jamilu Tukur (North West), Abubakar Umar (North West), and Mohammed Idris (North Central).

Chairman of the committee, Tahir Monguno (APC, Borno), while presenting his panel report, said the nominees possesed the requisite qualifications and experience to occupy the position and that there was no petition against them.

He, therefore, recommended their confirmation.

With the confirmation of the 11 justices, the Supreme Court now has the complete statutory requirement of 21 justices on its bench.

Senators, who spoke before the confirmation, had expressed concern over the delay in the appointment of justices for the Supreme Court bench.

Seriake Dickson (PDP, Bayelsa) urged that in the event of subsequent vacancies, a provision for their immediate replacement should be made.

He said, “Anytime these vacancies occur, they should be filled immediately. I want to draw that to the attention of the President; there shouldn’t be delay so that we don’t become a laughing stock.”

Senate Leader, Opeyemi Bamidele (APC, Ekiti), said it was important that those who are next in line be screened and appointed immediately as the vacancies occur at the apex court.

Orji Uzor Kalu (APC, Abia) stressed that the funds allocated to the Supreme Court in the 2024 budget should be reviewed upwards to ensure its effectiveness.

He said, “The Senate should look at the budget of the judiciary because even the state courts are in a mess. How can they give good justice? This is not the way it was before; we were doing better.”


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