Sunday, 22 January 2023 05:13

How to secure answers to our prayers - Taiwo Akinola

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And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight ~ 1 John 3:22.


The whole world is in the midst of a seismic conflict between good and evil, right now (Ephesians 6:12). We must fight to win and lay hold on eternal life (1 Timothy 6:12). We must wrestle in prayers to prevail, and be promoted (2 Corinthians 10:1-4).

Happily, the God of the Bible is the prayer answering God (Psalms 65:2; Psalm 75:5-7). His promises never fail! He promised to answer our prayers; and He will fulfill it (Jeremiah 33:3; John 16:24). But, this confident faith in God’s promises should never be glossed over by anyone who wishes to secure answers to his/her prayers (Matthew 21:22).

In the history of God’s ways, He fulfilled every promise He made to His people: Not one good promise failed (Joshua 21:43-45). He also disabled their enemies, ensuring that they had rest to possess and to enjoy their inheritance.

Our God will do whatever is necessary to accomplish His promises (Deuteronomy 31:8). Keep holding on to Him (2 Peter 3:9). Even if it takes a while for them to be fulfilled, the promises will surely come to pass.

Yes indeed, it is possible to have our prayers answered regularly. However, there are conditions to fulfill in order for this to happen.

Conditions That Secure Answers to Prayers

The primary condition listed in the scriptural text above in respect to  securing answers to our prayers is to keep the commandments of God. This talks of our obedience to God’s Word. As a corollary, we are also required to be active in doing “those things” that are pleasing in His sight, as a due obligation (1 Peter 3:15-16).

Certainly, these go beyond routine fulfillment of the laws to actually seeking to make God happy as a token of our loving response to His loving heart for us (1 John 4:19).

Meanwhile, one of “those things” necessary to do in order to please God to secure answers to our prayers, is living the way you were created to live: “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37). This lovely lifestyle of the gallant believers gives us an all-time edge over Satan and all his agents.

Occasionally, challenges will come, but you must never call it quits, no matter what the troubles look like. You were born to succeed, not to fail (Isaiah 54:17). In particular, you were  recreated in Christ Jesus to cultivate the inner “can-do” attitude that will drive you to accomplish your life’s assignments under God, in any given circumstance (Psalm 34:1-4).

Furthermore, your life will be very pleasing to God when He sees you reigning in life as His viceroy on earth, commanding the elements of nature to serve the interests of His kingdom (Job 38:12; Isaiah 45:11). In that instance, God will be more than happy to deploy His heavenly hosts to minister both to you and for you (Hebrew 1:14).

See, the earth has elements which possess abilities to hear the Creator's Voice (Jeremiah 22:29). The major element of the earth is its nature. Nature teaches (1 Corinthians 11:14). Nature cries: it cried for vengeance on Abel's death (Genesis 4:10). Nature fights: it swallowed the rebels in the days of Moses (Numbers 16:32).

Natural elements can work for or against any destiny depending on the order they receive or the resistance they face. For example, the sun that arises with brilliant sunshine to cause increase upon the earth can also serve as a scourge against the enemies of God (Psalms 121:6).

The Lord Jesus Christ walked upon water and fulfilled His destiny. But, Deborah also testified about how river Kishon swept away the enemies of God’s people. Even heavenly stars — angels, I suppose — fought on her side against Sisera (Judges 5:7-21).

Moses, Joshua, Elijah and David acted as masters over nature and they fulfilled their destinies. The elements of nature are ever battle-ready to work for our good, but they obey orders and act only on authoritative commands (Job 22:28).

It is absolutely important, therefore, that we speak, not about the mountains of our lives but to them, in faith. They shall move! They are just awaiting our command, decrees and declarations through serious prayers. Thereafter, “whosoever” can have “whatsoever” (Mark 11:23).

This year, elements of nature will not resist you, and you will not be swallowed up by them. The land will yield for you her increase. Your wind of ease will not become a storm. The sun will shine in your favour. The rainfalls will bring you joy. You won’t be a victim; rather, you’ll attract goodness from every side, in Jesus name.

Finally, to secure answers to our prayers, we must become ruthless against principalities and wicked rulers at the gates of hell. Binding, loosing and decreeing in the spiritual realm will be largely ineffective if we don’t act to compel the gatekeepers of hell to recognize our spiritual authority for what it is.

The despicable assaults that humanity suffers today are the direct operations of armies of demons that march out from the gates of hell (Genesis 22:17; 24:60; Job 38:17). We must, therefore, master the spiritual art of engaging our authority in Christ to crush them wherever they are found, to get repose (Psalms 24:6-10).

When our Lord Jesus talked of the “gate of hell” in His memorable discourse on authoritative prayers in Matthew 16:18-19, He was referring to the machinations, counsels, designs, plots, purposes , powers and the strength of Satan.

We must move against all these under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ, and launch ceaseless counter-assaults against them from our secure positions under the Cross, through constant prayers and fasting (Colossians 2:14-15). This is certainly worth all the cost! With it, the gates of hell shall never prevail against us (Matthew 17:21).

Friends, if we sincerely attend to all these conditions, we can absolutely secure answers to enjoy the fullness of God’s gracious pact of plenty. Thereafter, the eternal gates will lift up their heads in our favour, and doors of joyful testimonies shall fling open for us, in Jesus Name.

I firmly command the lions of past problems in your life to shut up and shut down, right now. I decree by faith that your destiny jumps out of stagnation and defeat. I paralyze the power of “almost there”, and I declare that you shall get to your next level of accomplishment!

Brethren, receive divine momentum by the power in the blood of Jesus. And, as you attract the fullness of the Lord’s favour, sooner than later, the blessed shall call you blessed, in Jesus Name. Amen. Happy Sunday!

** Bishop Taiwo Akinola,

Rhema Christian Church,

Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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